Tensions soared between in-laws as the career oriented DIL kept insulting her stay-at-home mother-in-law, labeling her a “lazy housewife.” When things reached a boiling point, the mother-in-law evicted her son and daughter-in-law from the house. Did she overreact? Here’s the full story, as told on Reddit:
The Background

The Original Poster (OP) begins her story by telling readers more about her life. She had children “pretty young” and has a husband that makes a lot of money. As a result, she has always been a stay-at-home mom, a homemaker, and a key figure in the local community. Everything was completely fine until her son’s wife came into the picture…
OP Doesn’t Like Her Daughter-In-Law

OP was looking forward to meeting her eldest son’s wife but admits her excitement quickly evaporated. OP says she actively dislikes her. Apparently, she’s very business-focused and blunt – and that’s not the worst of it. Nevertheless, OP tries to be polite for her son’s sake…
She Has To Bite Her Tongue

The daughter-in-law has been rude to OP on several occasions, often mocking her for not having a job. For example, she’d say things like, “I know it wasn’t your money that paid for it,” when OP bought her a gift. OP didn’t retaliate, instead choosing to talk to her son…
She Tried To Fix The Situation

Rather than argue with her daughter-in-law, OP tried to sit down with her son to talk about his wife’s “passive-aggressive” behavior. She even spoke to her daughter-in-law in an attempt to “clear the air.” Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain…
She Cooked a Family Dinner

OP explains that she recently made a homemade meal for her family. She was just plating up when her daughter-in-law made another disrespectful comment – despite the conversations they’d already had. Her son’s wife said she only had time to make the meal because she doesn’t “do anything else” with her day. Furious, OP decided it was time to respond…
She Finally Snapped

OP “lost it” with her daughter-in-law and demanded more respect. She told her that if she wasn’t going to show some respect, she could “get the f*** out.” Her daughter-in-law was shocked by OP’s response, and she “started to cry.” Her tears made no difference, though. OP still kicked her out.
The Fallout

After kicking her daughter-in-law out of the house, OP and her son had a big argument. He was livid about what she’d done and called her “a huge a******.” Now she doesn’t know what to think…
What Did Reddit Think?

OP posted her story on Reddit because she wanted to know if she was in the wrong. Did she handle the situation badly? Or was her response justified?
Reddit Was On OP’s Side

The overwhelming response from Reddit was that OP didn’t do anything wrong. Most top comments believed her reaction was justified. Some users said things like, “What the hell? Who made her the boss of what women should and shouldn’t do?” Other top comments read, “Your daughter-in-law is only a girl and needs to grow up and learn what basic respect is.”
The Daughter-In-Law Is An “A******”

Most Redditors agreed that the daughter-in-law in this story is in the wrong, some even going as far as calling her an “a******.” Some Redditors simply commented things like “That’s very small of her,” while others were more constructive, leaving comments that said, “Just because you don’t conform to her “Business Focus” personality doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.”
The Son Is In The Wrong Too

Some Reddit community members pointed the blame at OP’s son. They were surprised he didn’t step in and tell his wife to show some respect. One person wrote, “How on earth could your son be justifying this behavior?” Meanwhile, another top comment said, “Your son is an a****** because he doesn’t want to deal with the fact his wife is rude.”
What’s Your Take?

So, now you know more about OP’s situation, what’s your take? Do you think OP did the right thing? Or is she in the wrong for how she reacted? How would you have handled things? Drop a comment with your thoughts.
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The images in this article are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent
anybody in the story.
Source: Reddit.