15 Clear Signs Someone Was Brought up Badly (According to the Internet)

Written By Shivani Bohare

Can you identify when someone hasn’t had the best upbringing? People on Reddit think they can. In a recent post on the topic, hundreds left comments suggesting the tell-tale signs in adulthood that somebody wasn’t raised well as a child. Here are 15 of the most upvoted responses (and what other people had to say about them).

15. Acting Like a Kid

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“Keeping childish tastes- like loving stuffed animals, preferring sweet drinks and mild food, liking cute stuff, watching cartoons. I mean liking these isn’t bad. What’s bad is if you act like a spoiled brat. Throwing tantrums when things don’t go your way, not bothering to understand and deal with your feelings, ignoring the harmful consequences of your actions? That’s bad.”

14. Displaying Confederate and Nazi Flags

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“Don’t forget Soviet flags and Imperial Japanese flags. Absolute pieces of [trash].”

“I was raised in the south in the late 80s and 90s…I honestly thought that the “classic” confederate flag was not racist. I thought of it as a flag of local history…it took a long time before I learned its modern meaning as I thought it was about “southern pride.” It turns out it is exactly like a modern nazi flag. It deserves to be demonized like any other racist sign.”

13. Being Loud In Public Spaces

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“No indoor voices. Those people who have to half-yell everything they say. People who talk loudly enough to annoy other people in public spaces.”

“People who are just completely self-centered in public spaces. Blocking aisles, speakerphones, loud TikToks, etc. Human trash.”

“I come from a loud family; next to that, I have ADHD. I like it when people point it out. I was raised right and respectful. It’s just the environment my family grew up in.”

12. How They Treat People Without Power

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“When someone looks down at others based on what they do. That clearly shows they’ve learned the same thing from their caregivers.”

“Give the janitor the same level of respect as the CEO.”

11. Constantly Blaming Someone/Something Else For Their Problems

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“Again, sounds like all the Trump supporters I have seen, heard, and met, including Trump himself. And that’s A LOT of people.”

“A patient once said they were a stroke and heart attack victim. Seriously? They smoked and did cocaine.”

10. Neglecting or Abandoning Kids

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“Having kids for validation and attention.”

“Making your older kids raise your babies. Having babies just to have an excuse not to take care of the older ones. I saw both things in the same family. The mom said she felt sorry for my son for being an only child. At least he gets to be a child.”

9. Not Replacing Things They Finish

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“It’s to remind your partner that we’re out of milk; it’s called love.”

“My brother-in-law left the cream of one Oreo in the whole package. The CREAM of ONE Oreo. He was raised right, though.”

8. Not Taking No For an Answer

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“I love that scene from Jessica Jones where the guy says “I never take no for an answer” and she replies “How rapey of you.” It made me realize how messed up this whole idea of “not taking no for an answer” actually is.”

“I’m inclined to blame a culture that insists “taking no for an answer” is the same as giving up.”

7. They Find Cruelty Funny

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“Pranking people is usually just cruelty recorded.”

“Laughing at videos of disabled or fat people just existing. It’s not funny and makes it obvious that someone has zero empathy. But I guess that’s less finding cruelty funny and more the person being the cruelty.”

6. Discarding Grocery Items in Random Aisles

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“I was buying chocolate earlier and came across squishy sea bass. 2 warm packets just sitting by my curly wurly. I left without buying anything.”

“Chicken bones (not always in a container) from the hot food station that were eaten in the store (and probably not paid for) left everywhere. At this point, I’ve found them on every aisle, even in produce. Disgusting.”

5. Speaking Negatively About Someone Behind Their Back

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“THIS. I’ve seen coworkers talking behind the backs of new employees and drawing conclusions about every aspect of their lives. Like, you’ve seen that person for three days, you [horrible person].”

“I hate this. I have a coworker who can talk [smack] about everyone; on top of that, she is pretty homophobic and racist. Everyone hates her.”

4. Not Being Kind and Considerate

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“This! Rudeness in any form, it doesn’t cost anything to be polite.”

“Like going to HR to complain that your coworker with autism speaks with a tone you find disrespectful, then if they don’t do anything, you just start social gaming it and making s**t up because people will believe you and the little autistic boy can’t defend themselves against social tactics?”

3. Lacking Personal Accountability

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“I once had an ex who didn’t follow office policy. He went as far as to blame a state senator for why he got fired. No, it was not a government job. At all.”

“I wish I could just bind their hands and legs on a chair, hold their face with both hands, come real close, and say, “It is OKAY to make mistakes and admit it. Nothing will happen. No one will see you as a failure or flawed. You’re not going to become a terrible person suddenly. Your image won’t shatter. IT IS OKAY, OKAY?!?” Then give them a few slaps to ensure it sinks in, and go for lunch.”

2. Making Excuses Instead of Apologizing

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“I pointed out to an ex that all her apologies came with a but. She really couldn’t understand why it was a problem. Everything you say before a ‘but’ is ******** and everything after is just explaining why you aren’t sorry.”

“I love the ‘I’m sorry I flipped out and smashed things (like a toddler), but if you didn’t p**s me off, that wouldn’t have happened.’ Gotta love, ‘apologies.'”

1. Littering

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“I was out and about with someone who’d been a friend since childhood. We were in her pickup, and she would just chuck stuff into the truck bed to “accidentally” blow out. It was one of the first things that made me realize that maybe she’s not the kind of person I want to be friends with.”

“My stepdad was an ******* and once, on a long road trip, he threw his fast food trash out the window. My mom had a fit and made him turn around on the highway and pick it up. He was so humiliated and angry; it was glorious. She didn’t do many things right, but that was one!”


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Source: Reddit.

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