A woman invited her friend to a party at her house on one condition – she wouldn’t bring her dog. The friend ignored the request and brought the pet anyway. Tragically, the dog consumed something toxic during the event, causing chaos. Now, the friend is blaming the hostess. But who’s really at fault? Here’s the full story, as told on Reddit:
The Background
The Original Poster (OP) starts by explaining she threw a big garden party at the weekend. She’d invited all of her friends, including one who always takes her dog everywhere.
No Pets Were Allowed
OP told her friend she couldn’t bring the dog. After all, people would be going in and out of her house, and she has four cats – not to mention the fact she doesn’t like dogs in the first place.
Her Friend Didn’t Listen
Despite OP’s instructions, her friend still showed up with her pet pooch. Annoyed, she told her friend the dog wasn’t welcome and asked her to take the dog away. 15 minutes later, OP looked around and noticed her friend was still there, but the dog was nowhere in sight…
OP Was Confused
Thinking she’d taken her dog home and come back to the party, OP went up and asked how she’d got back so fast. It turns out she hadn’t left yet, but that she was on her way out because the dog wasn’t welcome. When OP asked where the dog was, she just “shrugged her shoulders and said he was around.”
OP Wasn’t Happy
OP was angry and went searching for the dog, which turned out to be down where her gardener plants all the crops. It had made a huge mess, digging around, and eating a bunch of the plants. Even angrier, OP told her friend to take her dog away once again.
Her Friend Called
Later in the evening, OP got a call from her friend asking what her dog had eaten. OP didn’t know – her gardener does everything. Clearly upset, the friend yelled that her dog was sick and that OP needed to find out what it ate. She messaged the gardener to ask, but he didn’t reply. Likewise, OP was thinking it wasn’t really her problem…
Her Friend Was Furious
After getting no reply from the gardener, OP’s friend called again to ask what her dog had eaten. Again, OP couldn’t say – a response that prompted her friend to tell OP she obviously doesn’t care if her dog dies, and that she’s an AH as a result.
OP Feels Bad, but Is She To Blame?
OP does feel bad about the dog, which is apparently really sick (she later adds that it went to hospital and is expected to make a full recovery). But, ultimately, she’d told her friend not to bring it over to her house. OP doesn’t think she’s as responsible as her friend’s implying…
Reddit Agrees
Reddit was totally on OP’s side, here. The most upvoted comment reads, “You asked her nicely not to bring the dog but yet she did. You asked her to leave but yet, she didn’t. She wasn’t even WATCHING her dog. If the dog dies, it’s on her.” Another person added, “And don’t let her bully you into paying vet bills or anything!!”
She’s Not a Real Dog Person
Most of the responses to OP’s story focused on her friend, laying the blame for the dog’s poorliness firmly at their feet. One said:
“I love dogs. Yes, I’m one of those people who like animals more than other people. People suck. I do not like OP’s friend. She’s not a dog person. A dog person would pay attention to what their dog was doing, would never take their dog into a situation where they’re not wanted, and would never let their dog off leash in a large garden where they do not know what plants are around and what could be toxic to their dog…I know that you’ll feel bad if the dog dies, it just did what dogs do. Your friend is a problem…”
What Do You Think?
So, is OP the bad guy here? Or is her friend the real culprit? Should OP take more responsibility for the situation? Or is she right to suggest that, after saying no dogs were allowed, it’s not really her problem? Drop a comment with your thoughts.
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The images in this article in no way represent anyone featured in the article.
Source: Reddit.